Connect. Innovate. Automate. Relax!

Specializing in:

Ø Automation and Control System Design, Integration and Commissioning

Ø Industrial Information Technology

Ø Relational Database Development

Ø Software Engineering

Ø Web Site Design

Ø FLASH Design and Development

Ø Internet Applications

Ø Web Hosting

Ø Project Management

Burton IT Solutions has been serving clients since 1995 from its office in Windsor Ontario. Success is measured through customer satisfaction. From the development of project specifications to status updates through commissioning, Burton IT Solutions optimizes client involvement to deliver outstanding results.



Please contact Burton IT Solutions here for all inquiries.


- Website Design/Build
- Custom Internet Applications
- Database Integration/Conversion
- Web Hosting


- SCADA Systems
- Production Data Management
- Vision Systems
- PLC System Design and Programming